Molly Mae Masterclass In Marketing

Molly-Mae’s New Brand ‘Maebe’: A Marketing Masterclass

As a fellow female founder, it’s always inspiring to see other women breaking boundaries, especially in a crowded space like fashion. Molly-Mae Hague, known for her influential personal brand, has just announced the launch of her fashion label, Maebe – and I’m here to tell you, it’s a masterclass in marketing.

Whether you’re launching a product, building a brand, or scaling your business, there are some brilliant lessons to be learned from Maebe’s marketing strategy. Here’s what makes it so impactful – and what you can take away for your own ventures.

Masterclass in Marketing

1. The Power of a Clever Brand Name

I’ve always believed that your brand name should tell a story, and Molly-Mae nailed it with Maebe. It’s not just a name – it’s a play on her middle name, creating a personal connection. This makes the brand immediately recognizable and relatable to her audience. Plus, it’s memorable and catchy – two things you absolutely need in a saturated market.

But what I love most? Maebe sets a tone. It feels fresh, modern, and approachable – the perfect mix of elegance and edge that matches Molly-Mae’s personal brand. As founders, we should never underestimate the importance of a brand name that encapsulates the vibe we’re aiming for. Your name is the first touchpoint with your audience – make sure it resonates.

Takeaway: Don’t just choose a name for your brand – choose a name that speaks to your values, your mission, and your audience’s aspirations.

2. Building Anticipation with a Waitlist

If there’s one marketing move I swear by, it’s creating a sense of exclusivity and anticipation, and Maebe’s waitlist strategy is a case study in how to do this well. By offering an early sign-up option, Molly-Mae is doing more than just building hype – she’s ensuring her first collection has guaranteed interest before it even launches.

A waitlist creates demand, scarcity, and gives you crucial early data on how many people are interested in your product. It’s not just about gathering emails – it’s about creating a VIP experience for your audience, making them feel like insiders. And let’s face it, when people feel like they’re getting early access, they’re more likely to stick around.

Takeaway: Launching a new product or service? Use a waitlist to gather interest, gauge demand, and build hype. It’s an easy win for creating exclusivity and anticipation.

3. Leveraging Personal Brand for Authenticity

One of the most important assets you can have as a founder is you. People connect with people, not faceless brands. Molly-Mae has always had a strong personal brand – she’s relatable, aspirational, and, most importantly, authentic. Her community trusts her, and that’s why Maebe will thrive.

What’s really clever about Maebe is how it aligns perfectly with Molly-Mae’s own aesthetic. The brand feels like an extension of who she is – and that’s something we can all learn from. Whether you’re running a personal brand or a product-based business, showing up authentically will always win over your audience.

Takeaway: Don’t hide behind your brand – be the face of it. In a world of endless choices, people want to know who they’re buying from. Show them the real you.

Molly Mae Fashion

4. Less is More: The Power of Minimalism in Teasers

Another standout strategy in Maebe’s marketing is its minimal approach to teasers. If you’ve seen their Instagram, you’ll know exactly what I mean. The sleek, black-and-white visuals, paired with a simple message, are just enough to create intrigue. They didn’t over-explain or give too much away – they let the visuals speak for themselves.

Why is this smart? It’s all about building curiosity. When you give your audience a taste without the full meal, they’re left wanting more. Maebe played this perfectly, offering a glimpse into the process but holding back the full reveal until launch day. It’s the classic “show, don’t tell” approach, and it works because it leaves room for imagination.

Takeaway: Don’t overwhelm your audience with too much information. Sometimes, less is more. Give them just enough to get excited, and then let the anticipation build.

5. Building a Community, Not Just a Customer Base

One thing I admire about Molly-Mae’s approach is her understanding that a brand is more than just products – it’s about community. By creating a sense of belonging with Maebe through her personal connection and inclusive marketing, she’s ensuring that her customers feel like part of a bigger movement.

From her transparent journey of creating the brand to involving her followers in the launch, she’s making sure that Maebe isn’t just another clothing brand – it’s a community. This is something we, as founders, should always aim for. Whether you’re in fashion, tech, or services, building a loyal community around your brand will always be more powerful than just focusing on sales.

Takeaway: Focus on building relationships, not transactions. A strong community will become your biggest advocates and drive long-term success.

Final Thoughts: Authenticity Wins Every Time

What’s brilliant about Maebe’s marketing is how authentic and personal it feels. Molly-Mae isn’t trying to be something she’s not, and that’s why her audience is so connected to her brand. As female founders, we should take note – the more genuine you are, the stronger your brand will be.

At the end of the day, people buy from people. Maebe isn’t just selling clothes – it’s selling a lifestyle, a sense of belonging, and a reflection of who Molly-Mae is. That’s what makes it special. So, if you’re working on your own launch, whether it’s fashion, tech, or any other industry, remember that authenticity, anticipation, and community are key ingredients to success.

Molly-Mae’s Maebe launch is proof that with the right strategy, a strong personal brand, and a sense of community, you can create something that not only sells but inspires. Let’s take these lessons and apply them to our own businesses – because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that marketing is more than just tactics. It’s about creating a brand people can’t wait to be part of.

Molly Mae's new clothing brand Maebe launches on Sunday the 29th of September. 

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Meet Ellie

Ex Midwife turned entrepenuer, I turned my candle business into a multi 6 figure brand success without paid ads, using authentic storytelling and community building strstegies. Inspired by fellow entrepreneurs, I created Tyler Talks Business to teach other small businesses how to grow. 

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