growth trend founder generated content

Social Media Strategy of 2024: Employee or Founder Generated Content


Welcome back to Tyler Talks Business, the hub for entrepreneurs ready to skyrocket their small businesses to new heights. I'm Ellie, your guide on this exciting journey. As an ex-midwife turned entrepreneur, I transformed my candle business into a multi-six-figure brand without paid ads, relying on authentic storytelling and community-building strategies. Inspired by fellow entrepreneurs, I created Tyler Talks Business to share real, fluff-free strategies to help you grow.

Today, we're diving into a game-changing social media strategy that's set to dominate 2024: employee or founder-generated content.

Understanding the Founder Generated Content Trend

What is Employee or Founder Generated Content?

In 2024, we're all about keeping it real. Employee or founder-generated content is exactly what it sounds like—content created by the people who know your business best: you and your team. This strategy is all about showcasing the heart and soul of your company through authentic, relatable content that connects with your audience on a deeper level.

Why It’s Gaining Traction

Why is this approach taking over social media? Simple. People crave authenticity. They want to see the real faces and hear the real stories behind the brands they love. This type of content boosts engagement and builds trust without breaking the bank.

The Power of Authentic Storytelling

Your Story Matters

You’ve heard my story—how I went from midwife to entrepreneur, building a thriving business through genuine connections and storytelling. Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's the foundation of lasting success.

Why Authenticity Matters

Authenticity builds a loyal community and creates a deeper connection with your audience. When people see the real you and your team, they're more likely to trust and support your brand. It’s like inviting them behind the scenes and making them a part of your journey.

Examples of Successful Brands

Look at brands like Glossier and Odd Muse. They’ve nailed this strategy by sharing real stories and behind-the-scenes content that resonates with their audience. And guess what? You can do it too!

The Facts: Why This Style of Content Works

Engagement Rates Soar

Research shows that user-generated content, including employee or founder-generated content, sees 28% higher engagement than standard brand posts. Why? Because it feels more genuine and relatable. When your audience sees real people from your team, they feel more connected to your brand.

Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business. According to a study by Edelman, 63% of consumers trust a company's employees more than the company's advertising. When your team members share their stories and experiences, it adds layers of authenticity and credibility to your brand.

Enhanced Reach and Visibility

Content featuring real people tends to be shared more often. When employees or founders share company content on their personal social media accounts, it extends your reach to their networks, exponentially increasing your visibility. This word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable and comes at no additional cost.

How Employee or Founder Generated Content Leads to More Sales

Emotional Connection Drives Purchases

When consumers feel emotionally connected to a brand, they are more likely to make a purchase. Employee or founder-generated content helps to create these emotional connections by showcasing the human side of your business. According to a study by Motista, emotionally connected customers have a 306% higher lifetime value.

Showcasing Company Culture Attracts Talent

A positive company culture not only attracts customers but also potential employees. When your social media channels showcase a vibrant, inclusive, and fun workplace, it can attract top talent. Great employees contribute to better customer service, innovative products, and ultimately, increased sales.

Transparent Practices Build Customer Loyalty

Consumers today value transparency. They want to know who they're buying from and what the company stands for. By sharing behind-the-scenes content and giving your team a voice, you demonstrate transparency and build customer loyalty. Loyal customers are not only more likely to make repeat purchases but also to recommend your brand to others.

10 Instagram Reel Ideas for Employee or Founder Generated Content

Celebrating Wins Ready to get started? Here are ten Instagram Reel ideas to showcase your company culture and engage your audience:

  1. Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life

    • Show a day in the life of different employees, highlighting their roles and daily tasks. Let your followers see what goes on behind the scenes.

  2. What I Wore to Work This Week

    • Create a weekly series where employees showcase their work outfits, adding a fun commentary or mini-fashion show twist.

  3. Employee Q&A

    • Feature different employees answering fun or interesting questions about their roles, hobbies, or personal experiences.

  4. Office Tour

    • Give a quick tour of the office, highlighting unique workspaces, chill-out zones, and any quirky office decor.

  5. Pranking My Boss

    • Record light-hearted pranks or fun surprises for the boss, ensuring it's all in good humor and well-received.

  6. Lunch Break Chronicles

    • Showcase what employees are having for lunch, whether it's homemade meals, favorite local spots, or company-provided meals.

  7. Meet the Team: Quick Intros

    • Short reels introducing each team member with a fun fact or quirky hobby, helping followers get to know the faces behind the brand.

  8. Office Challenges

    • Participate in fun office challenges or TikTok trends, like office chair races, blindfolded taste tests, or mini desk makeovers.

  9. Product/Service Demo by Employees

    • Have employees demonstrate how to use the company’s products or services, providing insider tips or unique uses.

  10. Celebrating Wins and Milestones

    • Share reels celebrating company milestones, employee anniversaries, or successful projects with a behind-the-scenes look at the celebration.


  1. Day in the life
  2. What I wore to work this week
  3. Employee Q+A
  4. Office tour
  5. Pranking my boss 
  6. Lunch break Chronicles 
  7. Meet the team 
  8. Office Trends
  9. Product Demos 
  10. Celebrating Wins 

Measuring Success

Key Metrics to Track

Keep an eye on:

  • Engagement Rates: Likes, comments, and shares.

  • Follower Growth: Track how your follower count increases over time.

  • Conversion Rates: Measure how many followers become customers.

Adjusting Your Strategy

Analyze what works and what doesn’t. Use insights to tweak your approach and keep improving. Remember, social media is all about experimenting and learning.


There you have it—the ultimate guide to harnessing the power of employee or founder-generated content in 2024. By embracing authenticity and involving your team, you’ll build a stronger connection with your audience and boost your brand’s visibility.

So, are you ready to dive in and start creating? Join our Tyler Talks Business community, sign up for our newsletters, and stay tuned for transformative courses and free resources designed to help your business soar. Remember, the sky is the limit!

Final Note

Keep it real, stay authentic, and don’t be afraid to show the world who you and your team really are. Share your experiences or ideas in the comments below, and let’s continue to grow together!

Follow Tyler Talks Business on social media for more tips, insights, and inspiration. Let’s make 2024 the year of real, engaging content!

Welcome to our community! I can't wait to see you soar and achieve your dreams. Remember...the sky is the limit!

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