launch funnel

Crafting a Launch Funnel: Turning Interest into Sales

Hey there, fellow entrepreneur!

So, you’ve got a big launch coming up, and you’re ready to make some serious waves, right? But here’s the thing—having an amazing product or service is just one part of the puzzle. The real magic happens when you guide your audience from the first flicker of interest all the way to hitting that “Buy Now” button. That’s where your launch funnel comes into play.

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole “funnel” thing, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. Today, we’re going to break down what a launch funnel is, why it’s crucial for your success, and how you can craft one that turns your followers into loyal customers.

What Exactly is a Launch Funnel?

Think of a launch funnel as the journey your customer takes from hearing about your product for the first time to making a purchase. It’s kind of like a road trip, but instead of just one destination, you’re guiding your customers through four important stops: Realisation, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Much like the shape of a funnel, you’ll start with a large group of people at the top (realisation) and gradually lead them down to the point where they’re ready to take action (buying). The key? Making this journey as smooth, enjoyable, and irresistible as possible. 

launch funnel journey

1. Realisation: The Spark of Awareness

This is where the magic begins—when someone first learns about your upcoming launch. This phase is all about grabbing their attention and making them think, “Hey, this might be for me!”

Here’s how you do it:

  • Know Your Audience : Remember that market research you did? (If not, now’s the time to pretend you did!) Use those insights to speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires. Your goal is to make them feel like you get them.
  • Teaser Content : Share something is coming, share WHY'S but not the WHAT'S. Example 'I was so fed up of never having X after using X so i'm doing something about it. 
  • Social Media Buzz : Utilise Instagram stories to create buzz. Think about behind-the-scenes looks, teasers, and countdowns. The goal is to make them excited to follow your journey.

Pro Tip: Use visuals and captions that resonate with your audience’s pain points and dreams. You want them to see your product as the answer they’ve been looking for.

2. Interest: Keeping the Flame Alive

Now that you’ve got their attention, it’s time to keep them engaged. This is where they start thinking, “Hmm, I could really use this in my life.”

Here’s how you do it:

  • Consistent Content : Keep showing up in their feed with valuable content. Share more about the product, how it works, and why it’s different from anything else out there. This is your time to shine!
  • Interactive Stories : Instagram Stories are your best friend here. Use polls, quizzes, and behind-the-scenes clips to keep them engaged. The more they interact, the more invested they become.
  • Value-Packed Emails : Start sending emails that offer sneak peeks, exclusive content, and insider tips. You want them to feel like they’re getting special treatment.

Pro Tip: Always keep the focus on them. How will your product make their life better? Show them the transformation they can expect.

3. Desire: Turning Interest into Want

Alright, now they’re hooked. They’ve moved from “I’m interested” to “I need this.” This is where you nurture that desire until they’re ready to commit.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Answer Every Question : By now, they might have a few questions. Make sure your emails, social media posts, and website answer everything—from pricing to benefits to how it works. Leave no room for doubt.
  • Waitlist Hype : If you haven’t already, get them on your waitlist. This not only builds anticipation but also makes them feel like they’re getting VIP access.
  • Testimonials and Social Proof : Share stories from beta testers or loyal customers. When they see others raving about your product, they’ll be even more eager to get their hands on it.

Pro Tip: This is the time to reinforce why your product is a must-have. Use testimonials, case studies, and detailed product breakdowns to build trust and excitement.

4. Action: Sealing the Deal

You’ve done the hard work, and now it’s launch day! This is the moment when all your efforts pay off, and your potential customer becomes a buying customer.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Clear Launch Email : Send out an email that’s short, sweet, and to the point. Include a clear call to action—something like “Click here to buy now!” Make it easy for them to take that final step.
  • Seamless Purchase Process : Ensure your website is user-friendly and mobile-optimized. The last thing you want is for a clunky checkout process to turn them off.
  • Create Urgency : Consider offering a limited-time bonus or discount for those who buy on launch day. A little urgency can go a long way in prompting action.

Pro Tip: Double-check your checkout process before launch day to make sure everything is running smoothly. The easier it is for them to buy, the better!

Full 6 Week Launch Strategy

If you want the tools to impletment this ... I about to launch a 6 week fool proof launch strategy.

I’m so excited, and I can see you are ready to sell out at your next launch. I’m Ellie, and if you don’t know my story yet, let me give you a quick rundown. I went from being a midwife to building a multi-six-figure candle business—without spending a dime on ads. How? By using authentic storytelling and building a tight-knit community. Now, I’m on a mission to help fellow entrepreneurs, like you, achieve the same kind of success.

This guide is everything I wish I had when I first started. It’s packed with real, actionable strategies that I’ve tested myself—no fluff, no gatekeeping. By the end of this guide, you’ll be armed with a foolproof, six-week plan to launch your next product, collection, or service and watch those sales roll in.

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