market my business

Everything I Do to Market My Multi-6-Figure Business

Running a small business can feel like a juggling act, right? But here’s the thing: when I started Tyler Aromatherapy, I was doing it all myself with no clue where it would go. Fast forward to now—we’re a multi-six-figure business that’s been built organically, with a lot of love, strategy, and, yes, some mistakes along the way. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on everything I do to market our brand—because I know firsthand how hard it can be to figure out the next step.

So, if you’re a fellow business owner trying to make sense of marketing, grab a coffee sis!

Full marketing strategy for 2024

Everything I Do To Market My Business

Before we go INTO it fully, here’s a quick rundown of everything I do to market my business:

  • Social Media : I show up consistently on Instagram, posting 6 days a week and cross-posting to TikTok and Facebook.
  • Instagram Stories : I use Stories to connect with my audience in real time, making it fun and interactive with polls and quizzes.
  • Google SEO : I create blog content around key topics, optimize collection pages, and track it all through Google Search Console.
  • Pinterest : I link Instagram posts directly to Pinterest, create promotional pins in Canva, and use Pinterest Trends for blog ideas.
  • Email Marketing : I run 5 lead magnets to build my list, nurture relationships with automated flows, and send weekly campaigns that deliver value.
  • Meta Ads : I keep it simple with one broad ad set using the best-performing Reels, updating creatives every 3-5 weeks.

1. Social Media: My Non-Negotiable

Instagram is my jam. If you’re not leveraging it yet, trust me, you’re leaving money on the table. I post six days a week—yep, six—but it’s not random. I stick to three content pillars to keep things focused and engaging:

  • Connection: This is where I get real. I talk about our brand story, celebrate the wins, and even share the messy fails. I always respond to comments (and often do this as a Reel—because it’s personal and boosts engagement).

  • Culture: People want to know the humans behind the brand, so I give them a peek behind the curtain. This includes behind-the-scenes footage, “day in the life” content, and anything that’s founder-led.

  • Communication: This pillar is all about our core values, what makes our products special, and of course, announcing new launches. I want my audience to feel like insiders.

Oh, and here’s a tip: I cross-post everything to TikTok and Facebook. No need to reinvent the wheel—just get your content working harder for you!

2. Instagram Stories: Building Real Connections

If I’m being honest, Instagram Stories are where I really connect with my audience. I show up on Stories six days a week to talk directly to them—about our new launches, waitlists, lead magnets—you name it. But I don’t just talk at them, I make it fun and interactive with polls and quizzes.

And here’s my secret sauce: I take a 24-hour break from Stories every week. This little trick helps reset the algorithm and keeps engagement high. Trust me, it works.

3. Google SEO: The Long Game That Pays Off

SEO can feel like this big, confusing beast, but it’s so worth it. I post regular blogs on our site, covering topics like wellness, candles, and seasonal living. These aren’t just random ideas—I’m always thinking about how to boost our domain authority and target the right keywords.

Pro tip: Optimize your collection pages! This is where the magic happens for us. And of course, I’m tracking everything through Google Search Console. It’s all about progress, not perfection.

LET'S LEARN: I have a full Interactive SEO guide, where you will learn everything needed to rank on the 1st page of Google and make more sales in your sleep. 

4. Pinterest: The Platform People Overlook

Pinterest is often an afterthought for business owners, but it’s a goldmine if you use it right. I’ve linked my Instagram to Pinterest, so every post gets automatically pinned. Super easy, right?

But I don’t stop there. I also create pins in Canva to promote our blogs and lead magnets. And I use Pinterest Trends to guide my content ideas. If you’re not on Pinterest yet, start today. It’s a great way to extend the reach of your content without extra work.

Pinterest Marketing

5. Email Marketing: The Ultimate Relationship Builder

Email marketing is where I can nurture relationships that lead to conversions. I’ve got five lead magnets running at all times, building my email list behind the scenes. Here’s what I offer:

  • A 1st order pop-up

  • A product recommendation quiz

  • An essential oils ebook

  • A wellness chart download

  • Waitlists for new launches/restocks

These lead magnets are promoted across social media and Pinterest, so I’m constantly building my list. Once people join, they get a welcome flow, an abandoned checkout flow if they don’t complete a purchase, and a lead magnet flow.

And my weekly email campaigns? They’re all about giving value—whether it’s new product drops, seasonal updates, exclusive discounts, or sharing our small business wins.

6. Meta Ads: Small Budget, Big Returns

Let’s talk paid ads. I’m not here to spend thousands on complicated ad strategies. I keep it simple: one main Meta ad with a broad targeting ad set. And for the creatives, I use the three best-performing Instagram Reels from the past two months. These have already proven to resonate with my audience, so I know they’ll perform.

I update the creatives every 3-5 weeks based on performance. It’s low-maintenance but super effective—and that’s what I love about it.


You don’t need a massive team or budget to market a multi-6-figure business. What you do need is consistency, a clear strategy, and a willingness to test, learn, and grow. Whether it’s showing up daily on social media, engaging with your email list, or getting creative with ads, it all adds up over time.

So, if you’re in the thick of building your own brand, remember this: You’ve got this. Keep showing up, keep testing what works, and most importantly, keep connecting with your audience. They’re the ones who will take your business to the next level.

I hope this helps you map out your next steps and inspires you to go big with your marketing strategy. I’m living proof that it works!

How I Can Help You Grow

As well as free resources, blogs and downloadable guides. I also have the Tyler Talks Business Female Founder Community - an investment of £19.99 per month and it's jam packed with value - 24/7 access to a membership site full of resources , masterclasses and tips to grow your business.

 Plus access to our female founder WhatsApp community: ask me anything, marketing tips, voicenotes sharing snippets of knowledge and things i've learned, a community of likeminded people who want to support you and mindset boosters. 

✔️ Access a mixture of content, from masterclasses to interactive guides. Content added regularly so you'll never run out of rescources

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✔️ Members are invited to join the Whatsapp community, where you can ask me anything and connect with 200+ female founders .

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